Board Meetings

For the complete list of Board Members, and upcoming Board and Committee Meeting dates please visit the Board section on the institutional Global Fund website.

Board Meetings 50 - 59

Board Meetings 40 - 49

Board Meetings 30 - 39

Board Meetings 20 - 29

  • 28th Board Meeting

    • Geneva, Switzerland, 14 - 15 November 2012

      The Board of Directors of the Global Fund decided on three main issues at its 28th Meeting.

      The Board selected Mark Dybul as new Executive Director, as part of a broad transformation process to implement a strategy of investing for impact.

      The Board also approved the elements of a new funding model and decided to launch a transition to the new model immediately.

      The Board also approved to integrate the Affordable Medicines Facility - malaria (AMFm) into core Global Fund grant management and financial processes, following an orderly transition period in 2013. The decision was reached after extensive consultations with implementers, technical partners and donors about lessons learned from a pilot phase of AMFm.

      Statements of Support on Executive Director Appointment

      On 15 November 2012, Ambassador Mark R. Dybul was appointed the next Executive Director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. He will assume his new role in early 2013.

      "Mark has played a pivotal role in the global AIDS response, and he is the right man to lead the Global Fund in pursuit of our shared vision of a world free of AIDS. Under his dynamic leadership of PEPFAR—from helping write the blueprint to becoming the U.S. global ambassador—Mark was instrumental in overseeing the greatest expansion of lifesaving AIDS treatment in history. My colleagues and I at the World Bank Group warmly welcome his appointment and look forward to working with him closely in his new capacity at the Global Fund."
      Jim Yong Kim, President of the World Bank Group

      “I commend the Board of the Global Fund on the selection of Ambassador Mark Dybul as its new Executive Director. Mark is a superb choice for this crucial role. I’ve had the privilege of working with Mark as a member of Malaria No More’s Board of Directors, and I know him to be an individual of the highest integrity with a profound commitment to improving the health and the lives of those facing disease. He brings to his new role a wealth of experience and knowledge from a career dedicated to healing, including service as the head of the US President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. The Global Fund is a valued partner in the fight against malaria, providing 50 percent of malaria funding worldwide. I'm confident that Mark will continue the Fund's commitment to transparency and accountability, taking needed steps to ensure that resources are used effectively and efficiently to save lives around the world.”
      Dr. David Bowen, CEO of Malaria No More

      “The Global Fund’s appointment of Ambassador Mark Dybul as its new Executive Director is terrific news, for the Global Fund and the incredibly important work that it does. Dr. Dybul helped create the President’s Emergency Program for AIDS Relief and he was instrumental in working with Congress to see it through the reauthorization process in 2008. As Global AIDS Coordinator, Mark Dybul exemplified bipartisanship and commitment to maximizing efficiency and effectiveness in combatting HIV/AIDS. Those same skills will serve him – and the world – well as he takes on the challenge of overseeing the Global Fund’s reforms. I look forward to continuing to work with him on our combined bilateral and multilateral efforts to create an AIDS free generation and to bring all our twenty-first century tools to bear in combatting malaria and TB.”
      U.S. Senator John Kerry, Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee

      “Mark inspires confidence. I fully trust that he will lead the Global Fund to new heights by strengthening partnerships and delivering results on the ground. His appointment marks a new era for the Global Fund and UNAIDS is looking forward to a strong and dynamic collaboration in the coming years.”
      Michel Sidibé, Executive Director of UNAIDS.

      “I want to congratulate Mark Dybul on his appointment as the Executive Director of the Global Fund. Mark is a dedicated doctor, a passionate global health advocate, and a deft politician who knows how to build consensus. At PEPFAR, he built bridges across party lines, between policymakers and activists, and between the U.S. and Africa. I know he will adopt a truly global approach and bring the best minds and hearts from across the world to drive forward the vital work of the Global Fund. We look forward to working with him in the months ahead to support the Global Fund’s critical replenishment process next fall."
      Michael Elliott – President and Chief Executive Officer of ONE.

      RESULTS is thrilled to congratulate Ambassador Mark Dybul on his appointment today as the new Executive Director of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. He is enormously qualified to lead the Global Fund at this critical juncture, as its mission grows from controlling AIDS, TB and malaria to ending them. Ambassador Dybul exemplifies the strong bipartisan leadership that helped create and has supported the Global Fund and its partner countries to save nearly nine million lives since it was first launched a decade ago. Ambassador Dybul has held leadership roles in both government and academia. During his tenure running the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), Ambassador Dybul prioritized expanding a robust fight against the disease. With the support of allies around the world and a bold and practical vision, Ambassador Dybul will build on the successes of the last ten years to enhance the Global Fund’s impact and help catalyze momentum to end the diseases.
      Statement from Joanne Carter, Executive Director of RESULTS/RESULTS Educational Fund

      “The Global Fund is a critical resource for the world’s developing nations. I am pleased to know that, through a robust and rigorous process, the Global Fund has chosen a new executive director, and I look forward to working closely with Mark Dybul to ensure that African countries have the resources they need to combat AIDs, tuberculosis and malaria.”
      Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of Liberia and Chair, African Leaders Malaria Alliance

      “After a year of transformation, the Global Fund has emerged more committed than ever to its mission and to transforming service delivery. I am heartened to see that a new executive director has been chosen, and I look forward to working with Mark Dybul on the next phase of the Global Fund’s life-saving work.”
      Joy Phumaphi, Executive Secretary, African Leaders Malaria Alliance

      This appointment reflects Ambassador Dybul's impeccable credentials and proven experience as the former U.S. Global AIDS Coordinator of the highly successful President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). He led the early implementation of PEPFAR, which has been a game changer for helping to end mother-to-child transmission of HIV globally, and putting us on the path to an AIDS-free generation. As one of the original PEPFAR implementing partners, EGPAF has enjoyed a longstanding collaboration with Ambassador Dybul, most recently through his service on EGPAF's Board of Directors. We look forward to working closely with him in his new role as we continue to strive toward our ultimate goal of eliminating pediatric AIDS."
      Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

    • 28th Board Decisions
      download in English28th Board Decisions Españolarchive_bm28-decisionpoints_report_es.pdf Françaisarchive_bm28-decisionpoints_report_fr.pdf Русскийarchive_bm28-decisionpoints_report_ru.pdf
    • Participants List
      download in EnglishParticipants List
    • GF/B28/01 - Agenda
      download in EnglishAgenda
    • GF/B28/02 - Evolving the Funding Model (Revision 1)
      download in EnglishEvolving the Funding Model (Revision 1) Françaisarchive_bm28-02-evolvingthefundingmodel_report_fr.pdf
    • GF/B28/03 - Forecast of Assets
      download in EnglishForecast of Assets
    • GF/B28/04 - SIIC Report to the Board on AMFm
      download in EnglishSIIC Report to the Board on AMFm
    • GF/B28/05 - AHNC Report
      download in EnglishAHNC Report Françaisarchive_bm28-05-ahnc_report_fr.pdf
    • GF/B28/05 Annex 1 - AHNC Terms of Reference - Annex 1
      download in EnglishAHNC Terms of Reference - Annex 1 Françaisarchive_bm28-05-ahnctor_annexa_fr.pdf
    • GF/B28/05 Annex 2 - AHNC Work Plan - Annex 2
      download in EnglishAHNC Work Plan - Annex 2 Françaisarchive_bm28-05-ahncworkplan_annex_fr.pdf
    • GF/B28/05 Annexes 3 - 6 - AHNC Annexes 3 - 6
      download in EnglishAHNC Annexes 3 - 6 Françaisarchive_bm28-05-ahncannexes3-6_annexes_fr.pdf
    • GF/B28/06 - FOPC Report to the Board
      download in EnglishFOPC Report to the Board
    • GF/B28/07 - Office of the Inspector General Progress Report (April - October 2012)
      download in EnglishOffice of the Inspector General Progress Report (April - October 2012)
    • GF/B28/09 - Strategy, Investment and Impact Committee Report
      download in EnglishStrategy, Investment and Impact Committee Report
    • GF/B28/10 - Electronic Decision Points
      download in EnglishElectronic Decision Points
    • GF/B28/11 - Twenty-Seventh Board Meeting Report
      download in EnglishTwenty-Seventh Board Meeting Report

Board Meetings 10 - 19

Board Meetings 01 - 09

  • 9th Board Meeting

    • Compromise decision point on the launch of Round 5

      • The Board decides to launch Round 5 today
      • The draft of the Guidelines for Proposals, as approved by the PMPC after the Ninth Board Meeting, will be released on January 30, 2005.
      • The Fifth Call for Proposals and finalized Guidelines for Proposals will be issued immediately following the Replenishment Conference in March 2005. A forecast of the resources available for the Round will be announced at the time that the Call for Proposals is issued. The Board is mindful that such a Call must be consistent with resources forecast to be available at the end of 2005.
      • Round 5 proposals will be approved at the Eleventh Board Meeting in September 2005, following the second Replenishment Conference.
      • The Board makes an urgent appeal to donors and potential donors that have not made their pledges for 2004 and 2005 and onward to make sure pledges at the earliest possible opportunity.

      The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria’s ninth board meeting focuses on how increased investments can drive back the three pandemics in one of the world’s worst-affected regions.

      In its opening session, the Board has heard the views of four East African presidents on the need for increased investments in health if these countries are to maintain economic growth and social development. 

      Since it was created in 2002, the Global Fund has approved proposals worth US$ 3 billion over two years to 314 grants in 128 countries. Of this, $570 million goes to the countries of the Lake Victoria Region. Board members have spent the previous four days visiting Global Fund-supported programs in Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda.

      The Global Fund Board consists of nine members representing donors and ten members representing countries and organizations eligible as recipients of Global Fund financing. In addition, there are four non-voting members, representing the World Health Organization, UNAIDS, the World Bank and the Swiss government. The Board approves funding, the Global Fund’s budget and operational procedures, and sets overall policies.

      On November 15th and 16th, the Kenyan Ministry of Health hosted a number of Global Fund Board members and Secretariat staff on visits to two districts and a variety of sites delivering prevention, care and treatment to Kenyan communities.

      The group visited provincial, district and sub-district hospitals, clinics, voluntary counselling and testing centers, and a community dispensary. They also met a Positive Support Club for people living with HIV/AIDS, a family decimated by AIDS and a large group of students rallying at a school to get involved in interactive HIV prevention education.

    • GF/B9 - 9th Board Decisions
      download in English9th Board Decisions
    • GF/B9/01 - Agenda
      download in EnglishAgenda
    • GF/B9/02 - Final Report of the 8th Board Meeting
      download in EnglishFinal Report of the 8th Board Meeting
    • GF/B9/03 - Report of the Executive Director
      download in EnglishReport of the Executive Director
    • GF/B9/04 - Fund Portfolio Update
      download in EnglishFund Portfolio Update
    • GF/B9/04 Presentation - Presentation Operatons update
      download in EnglishPresentation Operatons update
    • GF/B9/05 - Futures project
      download in EnglishFutures project
    • GF/B9/06 - Executive Summary of the Board Committee Study
      download in EnglishExecutive Summary of the Board Committee Study
    • GF/B9/07 - Report of the Governance and Partnership Committee
      download in EnglishReport of the Governance and Partnership Committee
    • GF/B9/08 - Report of the Monitoring, Evaluation, Finance and Audit Committee
      download in EnglishReport of the Monitoring, Evaluation, Finance and Audit Committee
    • GF/B9/09 - Report of the Portfolio Management and Procurement Committee
      download in EnglishReport of the Portfolio Management and Procurement Committee
    • GF/B9/10 - Report of the Resource Mobilisation and Communication Committee
      download in EnglishReport of the Resource Mobilisation and Communication Committee
    • GF/B9/11 - Report of the Partnership Forum Steering Committee
      download in EnglishReport of the Partnership Forum Steering Committee
    • GF/B9/12 - Resource Forecast for 2005
      download in EnglishResource Forecast for 2005
    • GF/B9/13 - Report of the ad-hoc committee on technical support
      download in EnglishReport of the ad-hoc committee on technical support
    • GF/B9/14 - Lessons learned from the TRP, Rounds 1-4
      download in EnglishLessons learned from the TRP, Rounds 1-4
    • GF/B9/15 - Performance Measurement System - ED
      download in EnglishPerformance Measurement System - ED
    • GF/B9/15 Presentation - Performance Measures ED
      download in EnglishPerformance Measures ED
    • GF/B9/16 - Trustee Report
      download in EnglishTrustee Report
    • GF/B9/17 - Board Calendar 2005
      download in EnglishBoard Calendar 2005
    • GF/B9/19 - List of Participants
      download in EnglishList of Participants
  • 3rd Board Meeting

    • Geneva, Switzerland - April 2002

      During the third meeting of the Board, in addition to establishing committees to support the ongoing work of the Global Fund and adopting policies on governance, the Board agreed to landmark policies on drug procurement. They specify that Global Fund financing must be used to purchase quality-assured medicines at the lowest possible price, consistent with applicable law and international agreements, following international competitive tender. Coupled with an agreement to publish transparently the prices paid by recipients for medicines, the policies of the Board opened the door for developing countries to buy unprecedented volumes of generic and patented medicines.

      The Global Fund also issued its first financial prospectus to specify the growing need for resources to finance ongoing proposal rounds and to sustain effective programs once approved.

    • 3rd Board Meeting Report
      download in English3rd Board Meeting Report
  • 2nd Board Meeting

    • Geneva, Switzerland - April 2002

      The Board convened its second meeting at the Columbia University School of Public Health in New York. The Board endorsed the recommendations of the Technical Review Panel, to approve US$0.6 billion over a two-year period to programs in 36 countries, and selected Richard Feachem, director of the Institute for Global Health at the University of California, as the executive director. Agreements for trustee services with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and administrative services with the World Health Organization are approved.

      To date, 27 governments, 30 corporations and philanthropic organizations and nearly 300 individuals have made pledges to the Global Fund that total US$2 billion.

    • 2nd Board Meeting Report
      download in English2nd Board Meeting Report
  • 1st Board Meeting

    • Geneva, Switzerland - January 2002

      Following a brief transition by a small oversight committee, the Board of the Global Fund met for the first time in Geneva. The registration of the Global Fund with Swiss legal authorities and the initial adoption of its by-laws marked the formal commencement of operations of the organization.

      At this meeting, the Board elected Chrispus Kiyonga and Seiji Morimoto as its first chair and vice chair, adopted operating procedures, noted the framework document that summarizes the work of the Transitional Working Group as a guide to the Global Fund and selected Anders Nordström of the Swedish International Development Agency as the interim executive director of the Secretariat.

      The Board instructed the Secretariat to issue a call for proposals for funding, managed the creation of a Technical Review Panel to review those proposals, identify candidates for the permanent executive director and negotiate agreements with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (part of the World Bank Group) to serve as the Global Fund’s trustee and with the World Health Organization for the outsourcing of administrative services for the Secretariat.

    • 1st Board Meeting Report
      download in English1st Board Meeting Report