

The Global Fund raises funds in multiyear cycles known as Replenishments. This fundraising structure began with the First Replenishment, held in 2005 to raise funds for 2006-2007. Prior to 2005, all funding came from ad hoc contributions. The Replenishment cycle was developed to enable more stable and predictable financing for countries and for the Global Fund Secretariat. Documents from each of the Replenishments are available for download.

Seventh Replenishment

Launched in 2022 for the funding period 2023-2025

Sixth Replenishment

Launched in 2019 for the funding period 2020-2022

Fifth Replenishment

Launched 2016 for the funding period 2017-2019

Fourth Replenishment

Launched in 2013 for the funding period 2014-2016

Third Replenishment

Launched in 2010 for the funding period 2011-2013

Second Replenishment

Launched in 2007 for the funding period 2008-2010

Launched in 2005 for the funding period 2006-2007