
Transitional Working Group

A Transitional Working Group for the Global Fund was established in July 2001. It consisted of nearly 40 representatives of developing countries, donor countries, NGOs, the private sector and the United Nations system.

The group developed basic guidelines for the Global Fund's operation, including its legal status, management structure, financial systems and general eligibility criteria.

The group met three times in 2001. In addition, it held regional consultations in Africa, Asia, Latin America and Eastern Europe, as well as thematic consultations with NGOs/civil society, the private sector and academia.

In late 2001, members of each of the Global Fund's constituencies – including donor countries, developing countries, NGOs and the private sector – selected representatives for the Global Fund Board. At its first meeting in January 2002, the Board reviewed the Transitional Working Group’s recommendations and adopted a framework document that made the Global Fund officially operational.

Meeting and consultation documents are available for reference.